The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 2 3 Wants. Help Wasted- -Men. FIRST CLASS TOOL BARNLY MAKERS BERRY. wanted. Man good address for steady position.

Call after 9 o'clock, 17 Elm st. WANTED, Young some to run experience. paper cutLOUIS H. ORR PRINTER WANTED- bus -For a few months: young tome knowledge of job work. Address C.

B. FISK CO, Palmer, Mass. WANTED desires a An experienced store. boot and Can shoc furnish good Address F. Republican pttice.

Harness Stitcher, and inan work One good Harness Fitter, one ou common work and argist in repairing. To tho right men, steady work and good J. G. CUTLER, Waterbury, Ct. WANTED- Faithful, homestead.

competent town. man Refer- for euces required. Must be willing to do as requested. None others need apply. Write to SEARS, Republican Outice.

WANTED -A second young band in man a'small who is spinuing capable room of a cotton mill. Must be a family containing several workers. Good house, barn aud garden plot; rent low. Address I'. O.

Dux 132, Shelburne Falls, Mass, WANTED- A G. Picture-frame DELANEY, 263 Maker. Main st. WANTED others -10 need first-class apply. cabinet, makers.

JIANUFACTORING CO, Brightwood, Mass. active man located outside cities. Salary $70 to $100 per montli to represent, his own locality, old bouso. ReferN. Y.

MANFACTURER Lock Box 1585, WANTED- industrious and earnest man to transact our bus ness in his district. Good salary and permpent employment. References exchanged. E. DEANGELIS, M'g'r Empire Mfg.

House, 27 Warren N. Y. Assistant. Graduate of 3 of Mines or Institate of Familiar th steam, water and air under heat. Must be a good mathematician and be able to arsist in the preparation of a book.

Address ENGINEER, No 62 Locust Springhe'd, Diass. 4 GLEN BROTIIERS, 1852-NURSERYMEN-1887 Rochester, N. Want Salesmen. Energetic, reliable men only. These require DO previous exprrienre.

We ray salary and expenses and give steady emplovment to rood men. Write for terms. Mention this paper. Help Wanted- Women. S1 for ELM city and -First-class help of all kinds COOKS, girls.

table, J. S. chamber, HART, 57 kitchen West State and st. house SPOOLERS 25 Ounce Spoolwanted for steady employ. Apply to WINSTED SILK CO, West Winsted, Ct.

-A first -class housekeeper to do general house work for a small tamily. Address P. O. Box No 25, Stafford Springs, Ct. WANTED tor -Two second girls.

one For for competent first work help good wages will be given. Call on or audress S. H. 235 Beech Holyohe, Mass. 43 capable woman good address to organize The A Am.

Association Home Associations in 1er d.strict. Full instructions Salary to a month to commence. Reterences. AM. ASSOCIATION, P.

0. Box 1600, New York. Situations -Dy a with young man, a position in grocery store. four yours' experionce. Best of references given.

Address 11. P. Republican Oitice. retail boo: and shoe store who has bad four position by a young man in years' experience. Best of references given.

Address P. W. Republi: an Odice. YOUNG, like: steady, a place reliable, to drive single 11 tear or American work. around a place or on a farm.

Address C. Box 479, Chicopee. SITUATION by French 'and experience English, i clothing and sales- woll acquainted in Springfield and surrounding towns. L. W.

Republican office. WANTED willing By to young any man kind; from bas Dad 9 Montreal, years' experience in the jargest dry goods bouse in Canada. Addreag WA. CURRY, care of B. Freeman, Chicopee Falls.

SITUATION WANTED as boss dresser by man 13 years' experience on fancy cassimeres. Addre-3 BOSs Republican rience, situation in a general or grocery store. By a young man with Can furnish best of reterences. Address C. 0.

Republican office. Situations do general house are. work by petent girl. 81 ELM chamber, table and -Nurses, bouse cooks, work girls. laundresses, SITUATION week WANTED At MRA J.

for L. a WORTHY'S. competent WANTED in a small competent family, or girl, groond general work preferred. Cali 109 Worthingtou st. Reterence if required.

BY American Girl work. to care Main for 3 St. child and BY American woman as Drs housckeeper, McQUESTEN. or American woman. J.

S. HART, 67 W. State st. to cook by competent AMERICAN city or WOMAN country. 046 wishes 60.

general st. PLACE DIBBLE, for a Erst door competent below second girl. Wallace. Mrs J. DIBBLE, below Forbes de Wallace.

HELP than my office. Airs GOOD hands a furnished, male and female. Pro McQUESTEN, 380 Main AMERICAN city WOMAN or country. wishes place to do Main street. a gouts Wanted.

to sell Pratt's Patent Button Fastener. Address P'RAIT MANUFACTU CO, Mass. AGENT exclusive is wanted sale of in the every newest and town best to have out; Gerand unlimited. Fend 25 cents tor pie to (HARES LINDNER, Frenford, Ci, of Unabrideed DictionariesReliable canvassers for. the latest edition -in Connecticut.

Western Massachatern Now York. Capital essary but first class indieneusable. Address L. GATELY CO, 25 Asylum Hartford, ('t. canvass and in Conte for tho reliable men to most valnabie and popular sab-ription book in the market.

Universal either tor or 01. instalments. No capital required. Only undoubied reference 1:4 to charater and! integrity. Apply tor term- and territory to E.

GATELI CO, No 25 Asylum Hartford, Ct. Wanted WANTED Word Dard. Hard Wight Wood avenue. at WRIGHT'S WASTED PAINT to label AND cans. CHEMICAL Steady Co.

Armory st. WANTED- Two minute trom post office: rorms, front, PrIA lient moderate. ('. C. 0.

1004 WANTED A Tenement of tour of adnits. not less than F. REN 17 Taylor vi 39 Mulberry street. 41 Wants. buy, second-band Globe printing press, in good order.

size chase about 12x6, or 15x9. Send price and description. JOHN KUHNLY, Rook rille, Ct. chase. small farm with house or cottage and To hire, with privilege of purbarn, near the city.

Address, with particulars, L. S. Republican Utice. WANTED -Rooms coruer for Walnut light and house Hickory keeping. sts.

STEEL NAME -Letters and figures in sots, burning brands, etc. Send for price list. J. E. MATHEWSON, No 274 Main st.

or $1400, on a nice new home in McKnight District. P'ayments as often as desired. GEORGE W. RICE, Agency. family three fancy weavers woolens: ploasant town; good situstions guarantced.

Address A. D. Republican, Offre. one having a parrot they wish to dispose of state price, ago and colo. and if it talks any.

Address Box 30, Greenwich Village, Mass. $1.00 PER HOUR made in fees starting branches of Union Savings League. Business permanent; everybody joins; exclusive right sold for any city from 85 to Send 26c for sample, copyright plan and full particulars, B. F. BROWN, Sec.

U. S. I'. 0. Box 82, Providence, k.

I. To Let. Business Roans to Let. 117 STATE ST. E.

To WEBSTER, rent. Store. 470 Main st. TO Art RENT- -Good Office Rooms in Gill's Building. TO l'aluer.

RENT--Room and BETTS power at FENCING Brick CO. Mill, 710 Currier, Store, now Worthington occupied st. by C. T. D.

FRANK HALE. 284 MAIN W. 11. MOORE, larve 31 front Westmin- rooms eter st. TO good RENT for any -Large business.

room or hall on Main GEORGE W. RICE, Agency. store now occupied by Bahbitt Norris. corner Harrison ave. and Slain st.

Finely located and very desirable. Apply to KIBBE BROS CO. Lodging Rooms to Let. 67 ST Rooms JAMES a AVE. gentleman -To and rent wife, one or or for two eiugle gentlemen.

FURNISHED front Drs room, FALLON, steam 330 beat. Main 75 anite VERNON of rooIns ST. with board. -Furnished Farna parlor and 155 pished front ST. room -To for oue Rent- or two -Neatly persons.

fur. 74 board VERNON Furna best. -Rooms to rent, with 135 ORLEANS Furnace beat. and rooms, 77 VERNON single or en suite. or unfur.

75 roots VERNON with board; also table board. furnished 269 cantly MAIN So furnished, steam Bourke's beated Block. rooms Dwellings to cation; owner would bard with fundly ON THE HILL-9 rooms, good and retain one or two J. K. Republican ONce: TO and Florida RENT--Lower st.

GEORGE tenement W. RICE, near Agency. Armory 39 BROAD A nice lower 4. YOUNG. tenement.

4 CHARLES barn. To Rent, a lower tene68 ment. SARGEANT Mira L. B. HASKELL.

desirable 27 lower Mattoon tone- at. 37 Tenement. SARGEANT all on ST. Airs 11. Desirable W.

Upper TON, 20 Holyoke street, between 12 and 1 clock. NOR RENT- -Extra nice tenement 5 rooms, first floor, Do 33 Bond st. Inquire the prein. ins or of J. M.

KELLOGG, Northan pton." TO good rooms: also the "large Hill, barn. 8 cottage good house stall of arni 7 plenty of shed room. W. HERSEY, 469 Dair. st.

RENT OR LEASE for a term of years. the former residence of James Ramrill, at the corner of Chestunt and Bridge sta. Inquire of WN. K. BAKER at the Chapin National Bank.

Te RENT-Desk room second Aight in building corner Alain and State W. F. ADAMS. TEAS, Basket Fired, TEAS, TEA-. -Formosa, Opiong, Japanese, Gunpowder, English Broakfast.

Finest grades in the market can be found at S. DREW'S, No 97 and 33 Eastern ave. S. A. RYAN, 183 MAIN STREET, WHOLESALE DEALER AND IMP'ORTER OF Fino Brandies, Wines and Gins, and Rocelrer of Kentucky Bourbon leunsylvania Rye Whisky, of the following brandsa specialty: Old Crow, Hermitage, 14 Taylor, Sherwood, Anderson, Dougherty, Bell Anderson, Gackenhelmer.

BOURBONS. RYES. ALSO AGENT Flannayan Nay's Celebrated Stock aud Present U'so Ales. H. Clansen Son and P'.

I. Best's Milwankee Lager fjouschold Supplies. MAPLE GROVE KING'S FARM 152 Slate SAUSAGES st. and TURKEYS, Ducks, Chickens and Geese at wholesale. E.

C. SHELDON Co, 31 Bridge st. THE Sausages at CELEBRATED KING'S MARKET. Deerfoot 132 State Farm st. Telephone.

Beer, in balt-barrels, tor family use. Goods curetully packed for out-ol-town ship ment. FLOUR! TITO CARLOADS JUST IN. GREAT BARGAINS FOR TITO WEEKS. Sop our prices and quality for the BEST FLOUR in the city.

F. J. PARKER, Harrison avonne. Co Whom 3t Alan Concern. DOCTOR ALEXANDER S.

trom will attond office, 40 11-4 at. till 4 ('outinement day or night way be wade during the abore hours. THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: Railroads. NEW YORK AND RAILROAD. NEW ENGLAND IN EFFECT SEPTEMBER 26, 1888.

PASSENGER TRAINS TRAIN SERVICE (Week Daya) LEAVE SPRINGFIELD FOR Hartford and intermediate stations at 7.80 a and 3.20 Return, leave Hartford at 10.25 and 6.15 pm. Rockville and intermediate stations, vis Melrose Branch, at with 7:30 trains and 3.20 11.20,4 connecting at leaving at 7.02 m. Return, leave Rockville at 10.35 a and 6.80 mO. Rockville, via 0.10 Last a Hartford, 7.30 a and 3.20 m. Return, and 5.30 Putnam, and Norwich, New London, Vernon Manchester 7.30 a and 3.20 pm.

Providence, Worcester and Way Stations 7.30 a m. 7.30 Now a and Britain. Plainville, Bristol and Waterbury 3.20 m. Station corner Lyman and Spring Springfield. Timetables can be obtained at any station on the line.

W. H. TURNER, A. C. KENDALL, Gen'l Sup't.

Gen. Boston. NEW LONDON ROAD. NORTHERN RAILTRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Brattleboro 10 a 'and 8.30 for Now London, connecting at Palmer for Worcester, Bor ton, Springdeld, etc.

Leave Amberst 6.50 a 12.15 and 5.09 al. Leave Palmer 8.20 a 2.05 and 7.42 p. 8.25, Leave 0.45 and Willimantic for New London 10.05 am, 8.65 tu, GOING NORTH. Leave New Loudon 6 and 7.55 a and 2 and 6.30 m. The 5 a runs throngh to Brattleboro and makes connection for the North.

For Willimantic, special, 10.05 a m. Leave Palmer for Brattleboro 8.10 am, 2.05 and 7 10. Leavo F'almer for Amberat 8.10 a 2.06, 6.30 and 7 g. F. SPAULDING, Sup't, New London, Ct.

CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD. TRAINS LEAVES SPRINGFIELD For Chicopre Falls at 6.40, 10 and 11.45 1 5.05, 6.90 and 8.45 m. For Holyoke at 6.40, 7.30. 8. 9.10 and 10.35 12 1, 1.35, 2.16, 3.15, 5.5.45, 6.20, 7.10, 8.10, 11.40 and 11 m.

For Northampton at 8, 0.10 and 10.35 a 12 1, 1.35. 3.15. 6, 6.20. 7.10. 8.15 and 11 pm.

For Greentield at 8 a 1,3.15,7.10 and 8.15 pm. For Keene, Rutland and White River Junction at 8 a and 3.16 u. For, St Albans, Montreal. Sherbrook, Quebec and points on C. V.

and Pave. R. R' sat 8 a (accomodation), and 8.15 (express. Pullman log car between Springfield and Montreal, and Monarch sleeping- ars betwren Springtield and Quebec, via Quelve Cential R. R.

Day express tralu at 1 for White River Jane tion, Montpelier, St Albans and Montreal. l'ochet time-tables, giving time of trains on all divisious of the road, can be obtained at ticket offices. J. MULLIGAN, Sup't, Springfeld, Masa, PROVIDENCE Meridian and lime. WORCESTER RAIL Northern and White Mountain Expreas Train leaves Providence for Worcester at 6.45 a ro turning.

leures Worcester at 6 m. EXPRESS TRAINS leaves. Worcester for dence at 10 a 2.30 for Worces ter at 2.10 and 5.45 m. TRAINS leave Providence for Worcester at 7.20 and 11.30 a and 4 m. Worcester for Providence a .10 (Express, Woonsocket to l'awtuchet), 11.660 a In, 4 and 6.20 011.

The trains connect at Union Depot, Worcester, with trains to and trom points nortb and west. Through tickets and baggage checked to all Impor tunt points. W. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Sap's Providence, R.

I. I EW FORD YORK. RAILROAD. NEW HAVEN leave and Spriugteld HARTas 7, 9.25 and 11.50 a and 2.25, 4.30,6 and 7.00 in accommodation trains for Hartford, New Br.ta.n. New and New York.

11.45 a express train for Hartford, Rerlin, Midd'etown. New Britain, Meriden, New Haven and New York. 7.00 a m. 1.58 and 7.03 In fast express trains for Hartford. Moriden, New laves and hew Yurk The 7.08 train runs dally.

den, 1.51 New mi Haven daily and express New train York. for Hartford, Begin 7.30 a in local express for New Haven, Sundays only. For connections roe posters at stations. O. Mi.

SHEPARD, i C. S. DAVIDSON, Gen'! Supt. NEW Commencing Monday, Nor. NORTHAMPTON 15, 1880.

R.R R. LEAVE 'u. lu. a. In.

p. in. p. m. Dork 14,00 2.00 4.30 New Haren 7.15 11.04 4.00 P'lainville 8.15 11.05 4.30 7.18 ARRIVE m.

Now Haritord 0.09 1.28 6.18 8.09 We tlietd 9.10 41.43 8.20 Holyoke 1.48 1.82 6.32 Northampton 9.53 1.38 6.17 9.00 Williamsburg 10.18 1.04 9.43 Suth Derrild 10.15 1.58 6.66 Turners Falls 11.0, 2.20 Shelburne Palis 10.41 7.00 Doth Adans 11.30 3,10 7.43 11.60 4.55 8.009 Troy 2.20 6.45 9.30 LEAVE 11.00 1.30 Williamstown 10 3.10 North Ad. nis 0.20 12.50) 4.00 Sheiburne Falls 10.11 1.36 4.07 Falls 9.45 1.30 4.30 South Deertield 10.35 1.58 5.20 Williamsburg 6.15aiu 10.30 8.201 0.12 Northampton 6.34 10.56 2.20 0,42 Holsoke. 6.45 11.00 2.20 5.400 West dold 7.010 11 30 2.52 6.27 Now Hartford 7.30 10.45 3.05 0.35 17 Plainfield 8.16 12.33 3.54 7.35 ARRIVE Now Haven 0.17 1.23 4.60 8.28 New York 11.45 3.30 7.00 10.30 l'arlor cars on trains Janing New Haven at 11.30 and 4.00 m. Returning at 9.20 Lu and 4.05 m. S.


COMMENCING DECEMBER 20, 1886. From Union Passenger Station. EASTWARD. For Boston, Express Train at 3.08, 6.35, 9.15 a and 12.49, 1.35, 8.06, 7.15 and 8.01 In. For Boston, Accommolation Train at 7.15 and .11.10 a and 4 m.

(The 3.08, 6.35 a and 8.01 run daily.) For Providence, 5.30, 7.15, 0.15 a 12.40, 1.35 and 3.06 pun. For Athol and stations on Athol Branch, 7.30 a and 0.40 1) m. For Winchendon and stations on Ware River Brauch, 7.15 a and 1.30 pm; 11.10 a connects. for Gilbertville and 4 connect for Barre l'lains, For Norwich and New London, 7.16 a 1.35 and 7.15 m. For North Brookfield at 7.15 aDd 11.10 a 3.00 and 4 pm.

For Spencer at 7.15, 11.10 and 4 in. Express train leaving at 12.49 does not stop betn ecu Sprinateld and Worcester.) WESTWARD. For Albany, Express Trains at 11:35 a 6.05 and tu; 111 is expross from Plitsdeld; 11.35 a ha: drawing-room car to Syracuse; 0.05 DI has sleeping -car to Butfalo, Cleveland and Chicago; also Detroit and Chicago; 10.05 bas sleeping-ar for Chicago via Cleveland arid Toledo, or via Niagara Pals and Detroit (daily). 3 For Albany. Accommodation Train at 2.18 and 9 a 3.05 and 6.00 nu, 6.05 ru train is express from J'itt Hold.

For North Adams Branch Stations, 0 and 11.35 a 3.05 and m. For Hudson Branch Stations, 9 and 11.33 a ni, 3.07 Fur Westfield at 7.20 and 1 1 a 4 m. pfor West Springfold at 6.13 a 10; returning leare West Springdent at 0.35 A m. T.OPAL TIME- TABLES, showing time of trains on al! divisions of the road, will be furnished upon app.ration at cket office in depot, also time- and through tickets to all important points Fast or West. 11.

GALLUT, A. S. HANSON, Gen'1 Supt. Geo'l Pass. Ag't Physicians 0110 user D.

G. Carter OVERAND, 7 a. I. to Main 9 p. in.

strcet, DR. C. curing ll. Throat, MARSHALL, Lung and 80 Heart Auccessful in in tr.eir worst form. Catarrh and Chronic Complaints, can consulted free, by letter or in person, at Burbank liotol, Mass.

DR will be in CHARLES Springfield SWEET Wednesday of Turbanon, following the second Turntav of' eacb month, office Hotel Gilmore. formerly Converse House, 426 Main to attend to patient: who may wish to consult biw. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Ocean Steamers. F. L.

Al chor, GUNN, North Agent German for Lloyd, Cunard, Hamburg, Guion, French, tate, National, Monarch and Netherlands Steamship companies. Drafts irsaed for any amount. Tickets for cabin and steerage furnisbed at lowest rates. 241 Main st. BROS, Agents White Star, Inman, Allan, Canard, Guion, National, French, Warren and Red Star line steamship companies.

Drafta from £1 upward. Cabin steerage passage go lowest rates at 269 Main st. DACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMLINE FOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN, CHINA, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA AND MEXICO. OF PANAMA.

river. for SAN FRANCISCO Fla THE ISTHMUS From New York, pier foot of Canal street, North ACAPULCO sails Wednesday, February 23, noon. GREAT REDUCTION IN RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO. 4 Cabin $70, Steerage $30. From San Francisco.

First and Brannan streets. CITY OF TRIO DE JANEIRO sails March JAPAN AND CHINA. 5, 2 p.m. to For freight. passage or general information apply or address the (ieneral Eastern Agents, E.

A. ADAMS CO. 6. 115 State street, coruer Broad, Boston. WHITE Steamers, STAR -United States weekly between Now York.

Queenstown and GERMANIC, ADRIATIC, CELTIC, REPUBLIC. These Steamships are unsurpassed for SAFETY, COMFORT and SPEED, and do not carry cattle. Steerage tickets from or to the Old Country and railroad station in Now England a low as by any other drst-class line. Cahin Passage $00, $80 and $100. Excursion Tickets on favorable terms.

For dates of sailing or farther Information apply to Burke Bros, 200 Main street, sole agents for Springteld; James Doyle, R. R. Jobusou and ('. B. Prescott, Holyoke; W.

W. Johnson. Chicopee: E. T. Paige, Chicopee Falls; 6.

1). Drury, Matthew Carroll, Nortnampton; Kaplinger, Kastbampton. I. J. CORTIS.

General Agent, 37 Broadway, New York. COMPAGNIE GENERALE LINE TO HAVRE. The Mail Steamers of this company, between. New 01k and lluvre, 11 sail from Pier 42, North River, foot of Morton New York, every Saturday. LA CHAMPAGNE.

TRACH, Feb. 10. 12 m. LA BURGOGNE, FRANGUEL, Feb. 26, 7 R.

BRETAGNE, DE JOCSSELIN, March 1'. c. 4 Travelers by this line aroid hoth transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. Spertal train leaving the company's do at Havre direct for Par. on arrival of steamer.

Baggage checked at New York through to aris, I'rice of passage, including wine; TO HAVRE: 1st cabin. $120, 8100 and $80; 2d cabin, $00; from New York to Havre, $20; steerage from New Dork to Paris, 43 (including wine, Ledding and utensils) Return ticke a reduced LOUIS DE BEBAIN, Agent, No 3 Bowling Green, foot of Bruadway, N. Y. ALEX. PABKE, Agent, Springfield.

CUNARD LINE. BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL EVERY THURSDAY, And from New York erery Saturday, calling at Queenstown, Cork Harbor. Cabin pa out $60, 80 and $100, according to mo lation. 1n- termodiate passage $35. Strerape passage At low, rates.

Draite on fireat Britain and Ireland. For parage or freight apply at the Compauy's Utice, State Boston. I SAMARIA. February 24, 10 a CATALONIA, March 3, 2.30 CEPHALONIA, March 10, 9.30 A In PAVOVIA, March 17, 3 PALMYRA, March 24 9.30 at In SAMARIA, March 31, ROTHNIA, April 7. A a CATALONIA 14, 2.30 April 21, 8 a In THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO (Limited, 90 STATE ALEXANDER MARTIN, AGENT.

ALEX. corner of Main. and Court BOURKE BROS, 200 Main or F. L. GUNX, 241 Main Springdeld.

MERCHANTS AND COMPANY'S MINERS TRANS NORFOLK AND BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP LINE. -For Dorfolk, Newport Nows, Old Point Comfort. West Point, Richmond, Washington, b. Halt: more, Md. -Ocean Steamer Alleghany, 2200 tons.

Capt J. C. Taylor. from Lonsdale Whart. Providence, every Saturday, and Stetiver George Appold, Capt E.

R. WArren. sail: ere Wednesday wt tr. Fares. Hooms and Meals included: First Nortolk, S9: Newport News, to West Point, 89; to to Baltimore, $11; to Old l'oint Comfort.

59 50; to asbington, roon and meals as tar as Nor folk only. The lave large freight rapacity and make close connections for All Points South and West. Freight connections made with Virginia, Tenne-spe and Georgia Air Line. Atianth: Line, Piedmont Kenawba Dispatch and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroal. At Baltimore with Michants and Miner: Tran Co' Steamer for Savannab.

connecting at 'Farannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad for all ponta in Florida. Freight rates from, Providence are ax low as 1: New York going South. Mark goods vin N. and B. Line.

Through Rills Laden given via all the dinerent routes an Tickets can be ured at W. H. CHURCH'S Ag i CT, No 1, Weybosset or at Office, Lun-dale wharf. Providence, R. I.

F. I. ROCKWELL, Ag't. Building fluterials. LUMBER, LUMBER.

For sale -Dry pine lumber; 50,000 feet 2 000 fret 1 25,000 feet in. All good old growth. GEO. A. (UNN, Sunderland, Mass.

T. B. 131 Dwight GILBERT, st. Contractor and Buiider, R. F.

erty st. HAWKINS Bridges, Boilers, IRON Machinery, WORKS, etc, LibE. A. and yard at PERKINS, corner Drumber and Dealer. Dwight sts.

Office D. STONE, Contractor and Deaier in all kinds of Granite and Freestoue for Bufidings and Monomental Work Flagging of all kinds Liberty st, east of Chestnut, Mass. D. J. Manufactures CURTIS.

Common Builder and and I'ressed Briok Contractor. and special shapes. Works at Springtield and Hartford. Capacity 10,000,000 rer annum. 12 Harrison Mass.

T. and M. Dealers WALKER DOORS, CO, SASH, Manufacturers BLINDS, of most reliable houses New England. OILS and lie GLASS. One of the oldest and 37, 39, 41 Market Springfield, FAMES MARRA, Stone-Cutters and Quarryinon.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Bui'ding Stone. Longmeadow, Portland and Cleveland Freestone. Flagg Du and Granite, Monuments. Yard and offico, 13 Franklin strect, Springtiell, Mass. Quarries at East Longmeadow.

SPRINGFIELD WOOD-WORKING CO, DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF Five Wood Sash, Blinds, Moldings, we and Fixtures, For Banka, Stores, Offices and Residences, in choice Foreign and Domestic Woods. All orders wil: receive and carefu! atten tion. Correspondence solicited. OFFICE AND FACTORY ON HILLMAN ST. The Grades.

ALECTROTYPER, CHAS. VAN VLACK, 301 Man street, Springueld. Mass. PAINTING. -U.

Oft.ce, 403 Main street; Shop, 4 Market street. ROLOFF, Fresco Painter and Decorator. Oftico, 11 Fort st. C. 469 JULIUS street.

HAIN, Residence, Fresco 44 P'ainter. Ashley Othce, street. J. Fainter, MORGAN, 309 Main street. Fresco and Decorative (F.

pringfeld, Fresco Mass. Painter, 495 Main UP Carving, I pairing and Cabinet Finishing. Making, BURGIN Wood SONS, core: Market Land Santerd streets. F. D.

CORDES CO, DECORATORS AND PAINTERS, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Estimates and plans farnished on churches and public buildings. Dealers in Fine Wall l'apers, Artists' Materials, Plastic Couters, Window Shades, Oil- etc. Corner ligh and Suttolk Ilolyobe, Mass, A 1 The Republican. 64 RECALLED TO LIFE Strango Story of Fact.

by MARY W. EARLY for The A great calamity oversbadowed the house. bold; the sweet young wife lay cold and rigid on her funeral bier, leaving her: busband planged into the most beartrending grief. intensifed bis agony was the thought that with ber bad perisbed another life, a tender young life to which they bad looked forward as the crown of their almost perfect bappiness, and now this hope, along with every other one of his life, was overthrown. It seemed as if his sun bad gone down while it was yet day.

From the radiant and tranquil happiness of bis early wedded life, he bad been plunged, at once, into the black miduight of for his bride's illness bad been very sudden, sbort and mysterious, batting all medical skill and science, though her pbysicians said ber disease seemed more near akin to catalepsy than anything else. In tearless, stony grief, alarming to friends and physicians, "Heury Wetherell passed the first terrible hours after the crushing blow Lad fallen on bim. watching over the lovely form that lay "So coldly sweet, 80 deadly Kiss "She is dead!" they eald to hun: "Come away. her and leave her, lore is They smoothed ber tresses of dark brown bair; On her forehead of stone they laid it fair. Orer her eyes that gazed too much They drew the lids with a gentle touch.

With a tender touch they closed up wail The sweet, thin lips that bad secrets to tell. About her brows and beautitul face They tied her veil aud marr age lace, And drew on bor white leet her white silk shoes, were the whitest no eye could choose. Arid over her bosoru they crossed ber bands. Come they said, understande." Two days later, a sorrow stricken concourse of frieuds and relations assembled at the bouse to perform the last oftices for the dead. Wheu the colliu was carried to the young wile's chamber, and her pale, rigid form was about to be laid in it, the undertaker made bold to remark on a magnincent diamond ring on her finger, and to ask if they were not going to remove it before the cotin was sealed up.

But her dainty band: were swollen so tbat the ring could only be removed by cutting the tinger on bich it was placed, and her busband 6brank as much irom the idea of doing this as if be bad thought be tender Hesb sull instinct with life, and capable of suffering pain. Besides. the ring Dad DO value in his eyes except on account of sentiments and memories associated with his wife, so be chose to let it remain on ber band where he bad placed it as a pledge of his Just as the sun was sinking into its western bed, the cotiy was deposited in 20 iron vault, amongst the remains of Henry's ancestors, in a sweet old gardeu pear the bou-e, and the solemp tones of the clergyman repeated the subliwe words, "I am the resurrection and the lite." She bad always loved to siteand stroll in this garden. It was full of byacintbs, white violets, lilies of the valley, lilac, jessamine and by beautiful, cedars, standing like otber lovely old fashioned flowers, and shaded greeu pyramids. It was a spot where one migbt have cried "Alabama!" eitber in life or in death.

Night fell sally on the sorrowing household. Sleep was out of the question for Henry, though biessed tears bad come and relaxed the tension on his brain that bad threatened to unhinge it. Ile sat in bis room, surrounded by mementoes of Lin darling Fiora, ber portrait, a lock of her hair and otber treasured souvenirs. Hiis brother aud sister kept watch with him, as they could not bear the idea of leaving him alone in his desolation. About midnight they were all startled by bearipg a step that sounded strangely, fearfully familiar.

Were they dreaming, or could It be possible that the dead permitted to rovisit their loved Breatbless and ave stricken, they listened. Nearer aud Dearer came the step, slow and faint, yet unmistakably Fiora's. "That is the footstep of my precions cried Heury. "God in his wercy has allowed her spirit to come back to we!" The door opeved and Flora stood before them, not her glorified apirit, but Flora, in flesh and blood. She seemed to be 111 3 sompambulistic condition, for though ber eyes iPere open.

they bad an introspective. far-off look, aud did pot appear to see or notice any one around ber. The shock of joy and amazement following so closely on that of griet -proved too: much for Henry, and ho fell senseless. to ilcor, hile bis brother and wi-ter were startled and territied aimost into the same condition. Fortunavely there wore others near at band who hearing a stir, came into the room, and though unnerved themselves by startllog appari0100 that greeted them, summoued up their faculties, to render the assistance 50 much Deeded, especially Henry, who was brougbt back to cousciousness with great difficulty, who for a long time was dazed, bot koowing whether be had bad a dream or vision of bis or had actually hebe.d her living.

In the somnambulistic condition in which Flora was, they coula gain from ber co clew as to marvel, the miracle of her reappearance amongst them, but there was oue circ*mstanco that threw flood of light on the mystery. 'There was a deep incision the tuger on which she Bad worn her diamond ring, and that ring bad disappeared. AS by a Hash of light the brother and sister divined the truib. They called the covetous took the pudertaker Lad fixed ou those glittering gems, aud his apparent surprise that they should seal them up 10 the cottin. nor did many bours elapse without their gainiug of their suspicions, for iu a few bours alter the rumor bad spread abroad of Flora's marvelous restoration from the grave, the undertaker went off op a sudden journey from which be Dever returved.

Ho professed to be called off by pressing business, but no one could ever tind out the Dature of the business, por where be bad gone, aud this sudden disappearance, coupled with the loss of the diamood rive, served to tasten on him the suspicion of having opened the cotta to purloin the costly jewel, a crime which procured for Henry the crowning joy and blessing of bis life, and for which be ielt inclined to load the. thief with thanks, blessings and richest rewards. Weeks alterwards when Flora had recovered memory and cobsclousuess, her wind, as well as her body, having come back into the spbere of natural lite. she told them she had lain in so deep a trance that she had known nothing of ber interment, but at that tire, was wandering, in spirit, through gardens and groves more exquisitely beautiul than anytbing on earth. Lite and consciousness were dimly recalled to ber by a sensation of pain 10 her hand, aud the cool wighsair blowing.

and rain drifting in her face helped to rovive her partially. It is probable that she then slightly stirred and moaned Which terrified the thief into immediate tight. She was still in too trance-like a condition to at ali take in the situation though she instiuctively threaded her familiar way to the house. Fortunatoly she was then 10 110 state to notice, derstand, reason or retlect upon anything bappening around her, else tbo shock of this episodo wight have proved too much for ber, 1u ber enfeebled state. They did not tell her what had happened till she had tuliy regained hor health and stren, Whilst the tale left aD impression ot deep 1.

'and solemnity on her mind, it, did not OCCAsiOn the shock and horror they had feared Since her trance, a mysterions change bad come over her, and sho seemed to look aterery thing from a new stand-point, stripping death of its terrors, and making the otbor lite seem increasingly bright aud real, for she always bed tothe that the fair gardens aud groves through which. she bad walked were on Inc other sile. As to floors. his restoration proved to be a more ditticult and tedious matter than hers. for be had undergone an agony and shock which she had been spared.

The great straiu on Dim resulted in which made his frievas that after all, the young couple, so wonderrestored to each other, might sot be suudered, but life triumphed, and both busband and wife were at length restored to bealtb, to Lappinoss and to each other. It mauy years however before Henry got over the shock o1 the episode we have above related, that episode at vuce so terrible and so joyful. A few monius after this, Flora gave birth to A 17, 1887. Medical TITTERLY DISCOURAGED Expresses the feeling of many victims of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and nervous or sick head-. ache.

Having tried numberless so-called remedies, and physicians of all echools, without relief, there seems to be no hope, Many such have as a last resort tried Athlophoros, and to, their surprise and joy have found that it was a safe, sure and quick: cure. Athlopboros is not an experiment; thousands have been cared by its use and they testify as to its value. Amesbury, March 3, 1886. If I bad depended on the doctors I believe I would have died, for they did me no good whatever. Rhouunatism was the trouble and what a trouble it was, but now, thanks, to Athlophoros, not the doctors nor to the many other remedies I took, the rheumatism is kept off where.

it belongs. For two weeks I could not sleep. so severe was my pain; after a few doses of Athlophoros I felt fellef and soon I enjoyed my sleep and rested very well. Gradually but surely the rheumatism disappeared, and today I can without tho slightest hesitation say to anybody suffering with rhenmattem, if you would be cured, don't wait to experiment with this and that cure. but take Athlophorce, it will do it claims to do and will cure you.

Dry MARY E. GOODWIN. Lawrence, March 6, 1886. After spending considerable money OD worthless medicines. none of which did me the least good, I commenced on Saturday night to take Athlophoros and on Monday morning I went work feeling well, after axing only one bottle.

Now. nobody need tell me there's no relief for rheumatism. for I know by my own experience there is not only relief but a positice cure, aud that cure is Athlophoros. F. B.

Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pill, but where they cannot be bought of druggists the horos Co, 112 Wall New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is 81 per bottle for Athlopboros and 60c for Pills. For liver and kidney diseases, dyspersia, Indiges. tion, weakness. nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, beadache, impure blood, Athlophoros Pills are unequaled. POOR Glasses.

C. EYESIGHT made good by wearing ROGERS, Optician, 341 Main st. co*ckLE'S 4 ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, THE GREAT ENGLISA REMEDY For Liver, Bile, Indigestion, etc. Free from Mer cury; only Vegetable Ingeredi ents. Agenta: C.


From 18 KENISON. Temple Place, Boston, Will be at the HOTEL GILMORE, Springfield, FRIDAY, FER. 25, Until uoon the following Monday. Corns, Bunions and Bad Nails treated without pain. PENNYROYAL PILLS.

THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENCINE. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of WORTHI. PSS Imitations Indispenaable to LADIES. ASK your DRUGGIST for "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH" and take no other, or inclose 4c (stamps) to us for particnlars in letter by RETURN MAIL NAMEPAPER CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO, 2313 Madison Square, Philadelpbia, Pa.

fold br Drungi-ts everyAsk for "CHICHESTER'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Take no other. GEO. GOODWIN CO, Boston, Wholesale Agents. BATTERIES for medical C.

ROGERS. purposes for Optician. rent DE sucresstul CURE at your causes own and home, a by new one and who WAS deat 28 sears. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. ured himselr in three and a.nco then hundreds of others.

Full particulars sent on application. T. S. PAGE, No il West 31st New York City. DO KO to YOUR C.

EYES ROGER, trouldle Optician, you? 341 If Main they st. do, Legal Notices. COMMONWEALTH 88. OF MASSACHT. Feiguary 11, 1887.

in hereby given that the sub-criber has bret: appoint of the estate of L. MALLORY insoivent debtors. second meeting of the creditors of said debtors will the held at the court of insolvency at in said county of Hampden, on the 5th day 01 March next at 242 o'clock in the afternoon, at which credway be present and prove their claims J. B. CARROLL.

Assignee. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed 1 secutor of the will of JOHN ANDERTON, late of Chico er, in the county of Hampden, deceased. and has Laken upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the law directs. All persone baving demand. upon the estate of said decrased are required to exhibit the salue, and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to wake payment to GEO S.

TAYLOR, 1.c. February 2, 1887. COMMONWEALTH OF -PROBAIL MASSACHU. COL RT.To the Heirs Next of Kin, and all other Persous interested in the estate of MARTHA NORTH, late of Spriugteld, in said county, deceased, greet lug: Whereas, a certain instrumeut purporting to bo the last and tostan.ent of rad deceased las been presented to said Court, for Probate, by EMMA A. DORFEE of eaid Springteld, prays that letters testamentary may be issued to her, the executrix, therein named, and that she may be exempt from giving a surety on her official bond such executrix: You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to den, be on held the at first Springtield, Wednesday in said of County, March of Hang next, at o'clock before noon, to show cause, if'any you bave, against the same, And said petitioner is hereby directed to give public notice thereof, by publi-hing this Citation ouce a week.

for three successive weeks. in the nowspaper called 'The Springlield Daily Republican published at Spring Held. the last publication to be two days, at least, before said Court. and to mail a copy of such Notic to each of maid Next of Kin who tray reside out of this Commonwealth, fourteen dare. ut least, before said Court.

Witness. WILLIAMS. SHORTIEFT, Esquire, Judge of said Court, eight tirst day of February, in the year one thousand hundred and cighty-seven. SAMUEL B. SPOONER, Register.

TO HOUSE THE OF HONORABLE SENATE OF AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF MAS-ACHUSETTS, in General Court assembled: Respecttully represents the New York and New England Railroad Company that it is, and tor inany line years ot past has been, operating, as lessee thereot, a railroad cutending 1roIn the tracks of its line a' Enst Hartford, Connecticut, to the city of Springield. that said line o1 rond consists (1) ot the Connecticut Central Railroad. it road' extemiing from East Hartford in Connecticut to the State line Massachusetts and lylug wholly in field the and New of Connecticut, and (2) of the SpringLondon Railroad, a road extending from the State line of Connecticut to the junction point of said road with the road 1ormerly owned by the Springtield and Northeastern Railroad Company, mentioned. said junction point. being in the city of in the wealth of Massachusetts, and :3, of that portion of tho railroad formerly owned by the Springtield and Northeastern Railroad Company and now owned by the Boston and Albant Railroad Company, which les between the junction point afore aid and Spring street in city of SI ringfield; the last two tions of line lying wholly within the C'ommanwealth of Massachusetts.

and now owned by corporations created by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And your retitioner further ropresents that it la de-, sirous of purchasing the line of railroad aforesaid, including the two sections thereof lying in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Wherefore your pottioner asks for the of a law authorizing the New York and New gland railroad company 10 buy. and Springfield and Now London railroad company and Boston and Albany railroad company to sell to it, the railr ads lying in Massachusetta, mentione above, and all the franchises, rights and thereto. New York and New England Railroad Co, by TAMES W.

PERKINS, Ass't to I 'reg't. There will be a hearing on the above petition br fore the Railroad Committee at Room No 10, Statehouse, TUCRSDAY, March 9, at 10.30 a. Lu. -A 3 f. An '7 A 1 1 L' 4.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.