Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Armor skins (2024)

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The goals of this page are as follows:

  • Compile a list of every armor skin in the game, including PvP Locker name, PvE names, and acquisition methods in PvE, so as to facilitate helping people locate specific skins and organizing the Armor set page.
  • Create a gallery of images of each armor on each race and gender so that they can be added to the individual armor pages.


  • 1 Armor Name List
    • 1.1 Light Armor
    • 1.2 Medium Armor
    • 1.3 Heavy Armor
    • 1.4 Cultural Armor
  • 2 Armor Images

Armor Name List[edit]

Light Armor[edit]

Light Armor
PvP NamePvE Name(s)PvE Availability
Magician'sMagician'sRandom drops
CountryCountryRandom drops
ApprenticeApprenticeWhite armorsmith armor
DevoutDevoutRenown heart recipe Tailor armor
EmbroideredEmbroideredRank 0 Tailor armor
Student'sStudent's, LinenRank 75 Tailor armor, random drops
Dry BonesShadowRenown heart recipe Tailor armor
Cabalist'sCabalist'sRandom drops
Acolyte's (1)AcolyteRank 150 Tailor armor
Conjurer'sConjurer'sRandom drops
RubricApostlePersonal Story - chest only
Ascalonian ClergyAscalonian ClergyAscalonian Catacombs dungeon armor
[[PvP Stately armor|Stately]]StatelyRenown heart karma armor
MasqueradeTribalnot available in PvE
[[PvP Seer armor|Seer's]]Mhenlo's, Zhed's, Tahlkora's, Ogden's, Berserker's AcolyteRandom drops
Primitive???Renown heart karma armor
Acolyte's (2)FeatheredRank 300 Tailor armor
NightmareNightmareTwilight Arbor dungeon armor
[[PvP Priory's Historical armor (light)|Priory]]PrioryDurmand Priory order armor
[[PvP Vigil's Honor armor (light)|Vigil]]VigilVigil order armor
[[PvP Whisper armor (light)|Whispers]]WhisperOrder of Whispers order armor
Noble'sNoble'sCaudecus's Manor dungeon armor
DredgeFurnace Reward LightSorrow's Embrace dungeon armor
Flame LegionFlame LegionCitadel of Flame dungeon armor
ArmageddonArcon, Armageddon, Aurora, Mortal, Rubicon, WhisperingExotic karma armor
InquestInquestCrucible of Eternity dungeon armor
KodaSvanirHonor of the Waves dungeon armor
Champion'sWingedRank 225 Tailor armor
Corrupted OrrianCorruptedArah dungeon armor
Outrider'sExaltedRank 400 Tailor armor
WizardsInvader'sWvW vendor, requires Badges of Honor
GuildGuildGuild armor skins - chest only
<no PvP skin>MasqueradeRenown heart karma Tailor armor

Medium Armor[edit]

PvP NamePvE Name(s)PvE Availability
[[PvP Sneakthief armor|Sneakthief]]DuelistRandom drops
[[PvP Swindler armor|Swindler's]]Swindler'sRandom drops
[[PvP Studded armor|Studded]]StuddedBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
Random drops
[[PvP Rawhide armor|Rawhide]] (Doesn't Exist)RawhideRandom drops, white armorsmith armor
[[PvP Rogue armor|Rogue's]]Rogue, Bloodsaw (No Common Name)Buy from renown heart vendor for Karma
Craft with Leatherworker (Rank 65) (Bloodsaw)
Random (rare) drops
[[PvP Seeker armor|Seeker's]]Seeker'sCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 0)
[[PvP Outlaw armor|Outlaw's]]Outlaw'sCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 75)
[[PvP Duelist armor|Duelist]]Duelist (No Common Name)Buy from renown heart vendor for Karma
recipe Leatherworker armor
[[PvP Privateer armor|Privateer]]PrivateerRandom drops
[[PvP Leather armor|Leather]]LeatherCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 150)
[[PvP Marauder armor|Commando's]]
[[PvP Stalwart armor|Stalwart's]]
[[PvP Ascalonian Leather armor|Ascalonian Leather]]Ascalonian LeatherDungeon Armor (Ascalonian Catacombs)
[[PvP Rascal armor|Rascal's]]RascalCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 225)
[[PvP Dredge armor (medium) |Dredge]]Furnace RewardDungeon Armor (Sorrow's Embrace)
[[PvP Buccaneer armor|Buccaneer]]BuccaneerBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
[[PvP Noble armor|Noble's]]Noble'sCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 125)
[[PvP Priory's Historical armor (medium)|Priory]]PrioryOrder Armor (Durmand Priory)
[[PvP Vigil's Honor armor (medium)|Vigil]]VigilOrder Armor (Vigil)
[[PvP Warden%27s armor|Warden's]]StalkerBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
[[PvP Whisper armor (medium)|Whispers]]WhisperOrder Armor (Order of Whispers)
[[PvP Trooper armor|Trooper's]]Divinity CouncilsDungeon Armor (Caudecus's Manor)
[[PvP Flame Legion armor (medium)|Flame Legion]]Citadel of FlameDungeon Armor (Citadel of Flame)
[[PvP Inquest armor (medium)|Inquest]]InquestDungeon Armor (Crucible of Eternity)
[[PvP Koda armor (medium)|Koda]]SvanirDungeon Armor (Honor of the Waves)
[[PvP Nightmare armor (medium)|Nightmare]]NightmareDungeon Armor (Twilight Arbor)
[[PvP Orrian armor (medium)|Orrian]]Orrian RewardDungeon Armor (Arah)
[[PvP Drake Scale armor|Drake Scale]]EmblazonedCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 400)
[[PvP Rugged armor|Rugged]]Arcon, Armageddon, Aurora, Mortal, Rubicon, WhisperingBuy from Exotic karma armor
[[PvP Prowler armor|Prowler's]]ProwlerCraft with Leatherworker (Rank 300)
[[PvP Mist Walker armor|Mist Walker]]Invader'sBuy from the Borderlands for Badges of Honor
[[PvP Guild Watchman armor|Guild Medium]]

Heavy Armor[edit]

PvP NamePvE Name(s)PvE Availability
[[PvP Knight armor|Knight's]]BarbaricCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 300)
[[PvP Heavy Scale armor|Worn Scale (1)]]Worn ScaleRandom drops
[[PvP Worn Chain armor|Worn Chain]]Worn ChainBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
Random drops
[[PvP Chainmail armor|Chainmail]]ChainmailWhite armorsmith armor
[[PvP Militia armor|PvP Superior Duelist]]MilitiaBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
Renown heart recipe Armorsmith armor (Really?)
[[PvP Chain armor|Chain]]ChainCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 0)
[[PvP Scale armor|Scale]]ScaleCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 75)
PvP BattlerPit Fighter armorBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
[[PvP Reinforced Scale armor|Reinforced Scale (1)]]Reinforced ScaleRandom drops
[[PvP Splint armor|Splint]]SplintCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 150)
[[PvP Banded armor|Banded]]BandedRandom drops
[[PvP Worn Scale armor|Worn Scale (2)]]
[[PvP Ascalonian armor|Ascalonian]]AscalonianDungeon Armor (Ascalonian Catacombs)
[[PvP Studded Plate armor|Plated]]PlatedBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
Personal Story rewards
[[PvP Gladiator armor|Gladiator's]]GladiatorRenown heart recipe Armorsmith armor
[[PvP Dredge armor (heavy)|Dredge]]DredgeDungeon Armor (Sorrow's Embrace)
[[PvP Flame Legion armor (heavy)|Flame Legion]]Flame LegionDungeon Armor (Citadel of Flame)
[[PvP Dark Templar armor|Dark]]Dark TemplarBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
[[PvP Nightmare armor (heavy)|Nightmare]]NightmareDungeon Armor (Twilight Arbor)
[[PvP Pit Fighter armor|Pit Fighter]]ScallywagWorld Completion
[[PvP Priory's Historical armor (heavy)|Priory]]PrioryOrder Armor (Durmand Priory)
Reinforced Scale (2)Reinforced ScaleCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 225)
[[PvP Vigil's Honor armor (heavy)|Vigil]]VigilOrder Armor (Vigil)
[[PvP Whisper armor (heavy)|Whispers]]WhisperOrder Armor (Order of Whispers
[[PvP Nobleman armor|Nobleman]]Nobleman'sDungeon Armor (Caudecus's Manor)
[[PvP Heavy Plate armor|Heavy Plate]]Heavy PlateBuy from renown heart vendor for Karma
[[PvP Scaled armor|Scaled]]DraconicCraft with Armorsmith (Rank 400)
[[PvP Inquest armor (heavy)|Inquest]]InquestDungeon Armor (Crucible of Eternity)
[[PvP Koda armor (heavy)|Koda]]KodaDungeon Armor (Honor of the Waves)
[[PvP Heavy Armageddon armor|Heavy Armageddon]]Arcon, Armageddon, Aurora, Mortal, Rubicon, WhisperingExotic karma armor
[[PvP Orrian armor (heavy)|Orrian]]OrrianDungeon Armor (Arah)
[[PvP Guild Defender armor|Guild]]

Cultural Armor[edit]

Cultural Armor
PvP NamePvE Name(s)PvE Availability
AdeptAdeptTier 1 light asura cultural armor
GeniusGeniusTier 2 light asura cultural armor
SavantSavantTier 3 light asura cultural armor
Invoker'sInvoker'sTier 1 light charr cultural armor
ArchonArchonTier 2 light charr cultural armor
MagusMagusTier 3 light charr cultural armor
Divinity Aristocrat's (1)Researcher'sTier 1 light human cultural armor
Divinity Aristocrat's (2)Aristocrat'sTier 2 light human cultural armor
Divinity Aristocrat's (3)Sorcerer'sTier 3 light human cultural armor
Sheepskin (1)SheepskinTier 1 light norn cultural armor
Sheepskin (2)HavrounTier 2 light norn cultural armor
Sheepskin (3)LupineTier 3 light norn cultural armor
Snapdragon's (1)SnapdragonTier 1 light sylvari cultural armor
Snapdragon's (2)OrchidTier 2 light sylvari cultural armor
Snapdragon's (3)DryadTier 3 light sylvari cultural armor
ProteanProteanTier 1 medium asura cultural armor
Auxiliary PoweredAuxiliary PoweredTier 2 medium asura cultural armor
PrototypePrototypeTier 3 medium asura cultural armor
DroverDroverTier 1 medium charr cultural armor
WranglerWranglerTier 2 medium charr cultural armor
TrapperTrapperTier 3 medium charr cultural armor
Divinity Scout (1)Scout'sTier 1 medium human cultural armor
Divinity Scout (2)Falconer'sTier 2 medium human cultural armor
Divinity Scout (3)Assassin'sTier 3 medium human cultural armor
Wolf (1)WolfbornTier 1 medium norn cultural armor
Wolf (2)PredatoryTier 2 medium norn cultural armor
Wolf (3)WolfTier 3 medium norn cultural armor
Bamboo (1)EvergreenTier 1 medium sylvari cultural armor
Bamboo (2)NightshadeTier 2 medium sylvari cultural armor
Bamboo (3)FirstbornTier 3 medium sylvari cultural armor
GalvanicGalvanicTier 1 heavy asura cultural armor
ElectroplatedElectroplatedTier 2 heavy asura cultural armor
ElectromagneticElectromagneticTier 3 heavy asura cultural armor
Raider's (1)WarbandTier 1 heavy charr cultural armor
WarbandLegionTier 2 heavy charr cultural armor
Raider's (2)DreadnoughtTier 3 heavy charr cultural armor
Divinity Commander'sCommander'sTier 1 heavy human cultural armor
Divinity Avenger'sAvenger'sTier 2 heavy human cultural armor
Divinity Protector'sProtector'sTier 3 heavy human cultural armor
Dreadnought (1)DolyakTier 1 heavy norn cultural armor
Dreadnought (2)EagleTier 2 heavy norn cultural armor
Dreadnought (3)StagTier 3 heavy norn cultural armor
Thicket's (1)ArboristTier 1 heavy sylvari cultural armor
Thicket's (2)WardenTier 2 heavy sylvari cultural armor
Thicket's (3)OakenTier 3 heavy sylvari cultural armor

Armor Images[edit]

To be added.

Retrieved from ""

Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Armor skins (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 5908

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.